Publishing Packages

Welcome To AG Press

Payment Plans Available


Publishing Packages Welcome to AG Press:

AG1Ready to Print$400.00
Your project is ready for production and to be published, 1 free copy, cover included.
AG2Basic Package$600.00
Your project will be critiqued, regular cover, 25 flyers, and 3 free copies of your project.
AG3Value Package$800.00
Your project will be critiqued, regular cover, 1 free image, 50 business cards, and 6 free copies of your project.
AG4Author's Choice Package$1000.00
Your project will be critiqued, choice of regular or wrap cover, 1 free illustration, marketing cards, letterhead set, and 9 free copies of your project.
AG5Enterprise Package$1200.00
Your project will be critiqued, choice of regular or wrap cover, 2 free illustrations, full marketing package, and 12 free copies of your project.
****We offer a Hardship Package for struggling authors who wish to be published, but they must provide proof of eligibility for this package. 
Hardship Package$150.00You Must Pre-Qualify For This Package

 Publishing Information:  

All packages include ISBN numbers, entry into the database for ‘Print on Demand’ ordering.


Your project will be available in places like Borders and, etc.


Your project will be placed on the website, announcing its release.